Wheat Germ in India

Wheat Germ is a health product and not a taste enhancer. It blends quickly in whichever food added and it’s taste is inconsequential. Wheat Germ might not add any taste to the food but it definitely adds a lot of nutrient in our diet which somehow fails to reach us due to unawareness. So it is up to the creativity of the person, how smartly one can add Wheat Germ in their diet.

Harmony Toasted Wheat Germ can be taken alone, if you like the nutty and delicate flavor of the wheat germ. 2 tbsp of Wheat Germ adds 23 vital nutrients like Vitamin E and B,  iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, omega-6 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, protein, folic acid etc into our diet.

how to eat wheat germA very simple  and nutritious way to eat wheat germ is to add it while kneading the dough. Add 2tbsp of Wheat Germ for each member of the family in the flour.  Start making roti within 10 mins of kneading. Caution: Keeping the wheat germ added dough for too long will moisten it and roti will not be turn out to be good. (This I am telling from my personal experience.)




Another way to eat raw wheat germ is to sprinkle it on fruits you love to it. The wheat germ will melt instantly. It will become invisible and undetectable but don’t worry the nutrient value will remain intact. These two are the easiest way to eat wheat germ in your daily day to day life. There are other ways as well.

Stir it into your oatmeal. You can also add a tbsp. to your morning oatmeal. I was talking to this person who adds approx 1tsp of wheat germ in the lukewarm milk and drink it just like we add corn flakes. There are endless ways in which Wheat Germ could be used.

how to eat wheat germUse wheat germ instead of granola on your yogurt or cereal. Wheat germ has a slightly nutty flavor and makes a great substitute for granola on foods like yogurt or cereal.

Add wheat germ to your smoothies. Adding a few spoonfuls to your smoothies is an easy way to bump up the nutrition in them and get some wheat germ benefits. You can also add some to milkshakes and protein shakes. Just add it in before blending.

Mix some into dessert toppings. When making desserts like fruit crumble and apple pies, mix some wheat germ into the topping before putting it on.

You can substitute wheat germ for a part of wheat flour while making cookies, pie cakes. If the the recipes asks to add 1 cup wheat flour, then use 3/4 cup wheat flour and 1/3 cup of Wheat Germ.

Wheat is the staple food for North Indians and there are many homes where rotis are made both in lunch and dinner. For such families eating Wheat Germ is a must to intake whole grain instead of refined grain.